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Flick Pest is an expert Pest Control Company

Flick Pest is a full service Pest Control Company that offers a range of pest prevention and control services, hygiene services, HACCP services as well as training for your team. Read more below:

Pest Control Company staff member in action

Pest Control Services

Flick Pest Control offers various Pest Control solutions in the Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Western Cape regions of South Africa. Most of the pests that we deal with on a daily basis include:

  • Cockroaches
  • Rats & Mice
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Flies
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Spiders

Hygiene Services

Flick Environmental Services is proud to offer the following specialised hygiene services through our affiliate Healthspec, this includes:

  • Chemical deep cleaning
  • Hand drying dispensers
  • Sanitisers
  • Air fresheners
  • Soap dispensers
  • Sanibins
  • Toilet roll holders
  • Seat Sanitiser

Our Public Relations Department will handle all complaints and welcomes any  suggestions you may have to improve our service to you, the Customer.

What is Washroom Deep Cleaning?

The surfaces of urinals, toilet bowls and hand basins often become stained with brown rust and green copper streaks due to corrosion in plumbing. Scale build up may also be evident due to hardness of the water. Daily toilet cleaning with use of disinfectant/ cleaning solution will remove dirt and grease and sanitise the surfaces. However, everyday cleaning will not remove the surface build up.

HEALHSPEC Hygiene uses a very specific cleaning process involving the use of acid cleaning solutions which requires care and expertise during the cleaning operation. The process extends into the effluent systems, helping to reduce unpleasant odours and assisting the free flow of toilet wastes.

Why do you need Washroom Deep Cleaning?

Scale build up in inaccessible areas creates the perfect trap for harmful bacteria to multiply and the risk of infection due to release of bacteria into the air is very real. In urinals, the build up also provides a medium for uric salts to accumulate. Under and around the toilet bowl rim, hand basin taps and overflows are further areas where build up occurs. The answer is not the sanitizing process, but the removal of the surface build up, a problem that is solved by HEALTSPEC Hygiene’s washroom deep cleaning service.

Diseases Associated with Unhygienic Toilets:

  • Dysentery
  • Gastro-enteritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis A
  • Herpes
  • Helminthes (Worm Infection)
  • Vaginitis
  • Cystitis (Bladder Infection)
  • Non specific urethrisis

The Benefits Of Washroom Deep Cleaning?

  • Eliminates cross contamination
  • Decreases plumbing expenses
  • Prevent the spread of ENT and gastro enteritis by 65%
  • Saves 75% of toilet cleaning costs
  • NOSA recommended at 2 monthly intervals
  • Eliminates lingering smells
  • Promotes General Hygiene and improves presentation

Training Programmes

Flick Pest Control Services offer in-house staff training for the Client’s employees.

These courses upgrade employee workmanship and validate the employee while, at the same time, improve the Client’s general housekeeping and in-house services.

The courses include:

  • Basic Pest Management
  • Inspection and Monitoring
  • Identification and Control
  • Safety – Contamination and Risks
  • Food Safety File Management
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Code of Practice – Behaviour in Food Premises
  • Housekeeping
  • Proofing
  • Stacking

Emergency Services

Emergency service is provided for designated pests 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Flick Environmental Services runs both a day programme and a night programme which enables us to respond to most calls within a 24 hour period.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Flick Environmental Service’s programmes are compatible with even the most advanced quality control initiatives, including HACCP. Our standardized reporting systems have been designed for easy incorporation into our client’s in-house quality manual.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems were developed by NASA and the Pillsbury Company in the 1960’s. HACCP food safety systems have been implemented by food companies nationwide as an effective and rational means of assuring food safety from harvest to consumption. Flick Environmental Services has adopted HACCP principles as part of our integrated pest elimination programme. Critical control points associated with potential pest activity are identified and monitored routinely during regular service. These are points in the process where a loss of control would result in an unacceptable breach of quality.

Our success as a service organization is dependent on our people, and on the commitment of senior management to uncompromising quality.

Top quality service can only be delivered by highly trained and motivated staff

ServiceCONTROL - The Pest Control Management Software

The system is tailor made for all HACCP conformance clientele, where you will be able to simply log into your own secure file and view your services with our company at the touch of a button.

Good Manufacturing Practises

For clients who adhere to strict GMP practices and run regular audits of Health & Safety view our GMP guidelines.

Pest Prevention Services

As a professional pest control company Flick Pest Control has developed proactive programmes to target a wide range of pests, which may have an impact on food processing facilities.

These Include:

Rats and mice
Stored product insects
Occasional invaders (bees, wasps, spiders, crickets, etc.)
