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There is no doubt that you are never far away from a spider, regardless of whether you are in your house or out there in the forest or wilderness. But in the case of house spiders, it is very hard for a person to figure out which spiders are harmless and which they need to be worried about. Some of these spiders are very tiny, and can even puncture the skin of a fully grown human.

That said, let’s look at 10 house spiders which are considered to be dangerous to people and which can even inflict serious injury. Knowing these spiders will assist in reducing human-spider conflicts.

The 10 deadly house spiders you should be wary of

1. Funnel Web Spiders

These are often considered to be one of the most aggressive species of spiders. They are found only in Australia and both the male and female variants of these spiders carry the deadly toxins by the name atraxotoxin. This could kill human beings. They enter homes during hot, humid nights looking for mate and therefore one should be careful.

2. Black Widow Spiders

This type of spider is known to cause painful bites and it could be fatal especially for children and also the elderly. There is anti-venom available and the patients should be given it the moment they are bitten by these spiders.

3. White Tail Spiders

This species of spider varies around 12 to 20 mm in size. The bite of this spider could cause severe nausea and pain accompanied by burning sensation. In some rare cases, ulceration similar to gangrene could be found.

4. Wolf Spiders

5. Black House Spiders

This species of spider can inflict an extremely painful bite but the bite is not lethal or poisonous. Some people experience heavy sweating, vomiting, muscular pains, giddiness and headaches. The adult of this species is around 15 mm in size and they prefer dry habitats.

6. Trap Door Spider

They could be considered as low risk and non-aggressive category of spiders. It is timid and bites very rarely and that too only when cornered or provoked. It could grow up to 35 mm in body size. It is a ground dwelling spider and prefers dry locations.

 7. Orb-Weaving Spiders

This is another common type of spider which grows to a maximum size of around 30 mm while averaging between 20 to 30 mm. They are non-aggressive in nature and their bite is considered non-toxic and non-lethal. However, if you get into their habitat, you could find them all over your body and this could create a panicky situation.

8. St Andrews Cross Spiders

This is another low-risk non-toxic spider but the bite can at times be painful. They grow to a maximum size of 5 to 15 mm and they have a unique yellow and brown abdomen strip. They often could be found in the garden or backyard of your home.

This is considered to be one of the most venomous and dangers spiders in the world. Its bite could lead to the destruction of the blood vessels and could lead to large skin ulcers. They grow to a maximum size of 7 mm and they could be found in unoccupied buildings and storages areas besides attics.

10. Brazilian Wandering Spiders

Often referred to as Banana spiders, they are quite aggressive. Their bite can be quite poisonous to humans and they could be perhaps the deadliest of all forms of spiders. The bite could lead to irregular heartbeats, salivation, and painful erections in men. In fact, their venom is being tested by scientists as a cure for erectile dysfunction.

 Thank you to Rohin Dua from homeremediesforlife.com for the infographic and interesting Spider facts.

 Flick is here to provide a solution for any spider infestation or concerns you may encounter- give us a ring, drop us an email or contact us here drop us a comment on our blog or social media platforms.
