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Pest control services are commonly known to many people as fumigation, which is an incorrect term, as many people call into our sales agents saying that “they want to fumigate their home or building”

Fumigation is technically a term used for when a gas is applied to kill pests in a confined or enclosed space for a certain time duration or exposure period. The correct term for such a service is a pest control service, or a service to control a target pest, such as cockroaches, rodents, ants, termites, etc.

When is pest control necessary?

In South Africa, with the warm climate we live in, comes insects as well as pests, and therefore due to the favourable climate we have year-round, the common pests too don’t seem to take a break in their breeding habits throughout a calendar year. 

If one looks at a few of the most commonly occurred pests/ vermin, and their activity throughout the year, makes interesting reading and understanding of why pest control is needed and is the responsible thing to do. 

With rodents, yes, one does see and needs to control these vermin all year round, but there is a spike in their activity in autumn and winter where we do see an increase in rodent calls. This is attributed to their breeding cycle, as well as them looking for favourable shelter, warmth, food, water, and nesting material and they do seek shelter in ceilings and can come indoors into homes or buildings and the like, but yet they are an all year round vermin pest too even in the middle of summer. 

Ants and cockroaches are certainly more prolific and active in the warmer months of the year, but they are still active through winter and do carry on breeding and feeding, and are also an all-year-round pest.

Flick can certainly assist in controlling an ongoing pest infestation that needs the professional services of a company such as Flick, but even if your business or home does not have a specific pest problem that you are aware of, it is wise to employ proactive and regular pest control services that we provide, to guard your business or home from possible pest invasion, which is a way of proactively protecting your asset, in your property to avoid costly repair bills from damaging pests, as well as mitigating the risk of ill health due to the high risk of pests transmitting pathogens, viruses & diseases they carry to your family or your staff. This of course is a far better way of looking at pest control, as a method of proactively preventing pests which avoids you carrying the risk of neglecting employing such services and gambling on your own DIY pest control, which usually never works, and can cost you more in the end.

All of Flicks pest control technicians are registered with The Department of Agriculture, and all pesticides and rodenticides we apply are registered, and SABS approved, and are applied according to the manufacturer’s dosage rates by our trained and experienced pest control technicians. 

Remember “One Flick and They’re Gone”

Flick Pest Control is here to provide a solution for any pest query you may need help with, or for any other pest control solution, advice or concerns you may encounter. Give us a ring on 087 056 1021, drop us an email on enquiries@flickpest.co.za or drop us a comment on our blog or social media platforms.

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